Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Getting down to business

As far as coming along with my fine art photography, I have been going back and forth with a few ideas. If I can finalize my new idea I will post photos, but as of right now, it is still a work in progress.

In other news, if you get a chance, UNL Study Abroad is having students vote for their favorite photographs that were submitted last week. Fortunately for you, you can go and vote for my photographs from Greece. :) As far as I know all you have to do is Like the photos to vote.

You must Like their webpage first. Then they have four photo albums posted. Then click on the photos you like best!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finding the niche

You know the saying, "one step forward, two steps back," my day was just the opposite when it comes to my work in photography. Despite how crit went today, I received insight on how to juggle my fine art photography and my commercial aesthetics. Right now, I am trying to establish my niche in the aesthetics of two different realms of photography. This past summer I have been working in the commercialized side of photography, and now I am transitioning back into fine art photography for the fall semester, where I will have to find a meaning behind my work. Here are some fresh ideas for what I will be working on this semester... Nature competing against "second nature." All inspired by the novel, Nature's Metropolis.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Looking Ahead

Here's something to look forward to; I just signed on to show my photographs in the Rotunda Gallery during the week of February 7, 2011. I am looking for ideas of what I should show; if I should show previous work that has been featured on this page; if I should show an array of different photographs; or one group of work... I have lots to think about, a lot of printing and deciding how my work should be shown. I'm looking forward to the challenge of putting my work on display.